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Messages - Mark-Anthony

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428 Frua Forum / Draft list of AC 428 Fruas known to date.
« on: November 19, 2007, 17:01:59 »
Hi Guys
   I can confirm that
   CF 55 is:- a fastback,
              in England,
              in bits, and
              in "storage".

   I HATE you.  (My wife however thinks that you're absolutely wonderful!)
   I'm still sorry I never managed to get a bid in, and, yes, given the numbers of 428s, how often they come up, Hurst cars prices etc etc I know that while many people might think you paid a bit too much (myself included) I would also have paid too much!  Well done and congratulations again. (Yes I am jealous as hell - and, yes it is a bit of a dog, but keep in mind what she will look like.  The body-work will be a pain but the engine is easy.)
   I'm absolutely thrilled that it will stay as a 428 and not a Cobra chop - thank you very much for that.
   If I can help IN ANY WAY please do not hesitate to ask, phone, e-mail.  I have NO mechanical expertise at all but I am sympathetic, I can buy beer and my shoulder is both comfortable and water-proof!
   Can't wait to hear progress reports, can't wait to see her finished.
   If I might be so bold as to suggest:  Have a detailed chat with Andy Sheperd about how to improve the car (eg.: engine improvements, air flow, cooling improvements etc.).  If you're doing major work you might as well improve it BEFORE it gets back on the road.
   Best Regards
   Still only - CRS #22
   Would have been nice to add CF25!

   One of the worst days of my life.
   I had all the funds in place (rather bloody more than the final bid I might add) and our offices entire telephone system went tits up one minute after Bonhams had got me on the line for my telephone bid!
   I never managed to get back on line and so never managed to bid at all!
   Furious is too small a word for it.
   To Andy S.:-  I'm still looking.
   CRS #22
   PS.  There are those who'd say (and my wife's amoung them!) that given the sad, sad, state of that car, £30,000 was rather too much.

428 Frua Forum / 428 Convertable
« on: April 27, 2007, 17:19:52 »
Hi Maser
   The car has lived for the last few years in a private museum/collection in the north of England.  The collection is a privately owned family affair and they (the family) have decided to concentrate on veteran cars and so are disposing of the 60's 70's cars in order to rationalise the collection.
   The car's chassis number is not known by Bonhams (lord knows why) though they quote it in their on-line catalogue!
   It has no MOT and has not had for some years.
   The condition (body/chrome) of the car is 6.5 out of 10 'at best'.
   The car cannot be started/tested/driven before the auction.
   The car cannot be put on a ramp/jacked up before the auction.
   Bonhams will give NO assurance as to the mechanical condition of the car, and do not know when it was last run.
   Bonhams will not guarantee the mileage (nor will they tell you what it is - you'll have to go to see it).
   The car is available for viewing at RAF Museum Hendon on Sunday from 10am to 5pm.  The man in charge is Tim Schofield - head of Department at Bonhams - (very helpful - he's the source of ALL of the information in this message.
   I get the impression that the car has been standing unused for some years so it will need re-commisioning.
   Hope that helps, but the bottom line is that whoever buys it will be throwing dice to some extent.

I've seen Cobras (real and fake) in - I thought - every possible colour scheme.
   How wrong I was!  It's stunning, it may be a bit monochrome for some but I just love the whole Black on Black - 'light just falls into it' concept.  Does it ever look a beast.
   While mine may be sexy in BMW Mauritius Blue with two white stripes - I may just have to re-think the colour scheme!!!
   CRS #22

428 Frua Forum / How many 428 Frua left?
« on: February 13, 2007, 10:23:11 »
I believe I'm right in saying that Andy has two 428s, and is not the only person known to have two 428s.
   Me - I can't get my hands on one!

General Forum / Road pricing in the UK
« on: February 12, 2007, 15:17:46 »
I live in West London and I drive to and from Reading where I work, 40 miles each way, every day.
   I have to buy a parking permit (over £100 pa = TAX)
   I pay the Congestion Charge (over £100 pa = another TAX).
   I pay Road Tax (another TAX)
   I pay tax on my fuel (another TAX)
   and I pay tax on my insurance premium (another TAX)
   I pay Value Added Tax (now there's an oxymoron!) on all my car maintenance (TAX again)
   Rail travel is slower, unreliable, not door to door, and actually more costly!
   If the government were to charge me YET ANOTHER TAX to use the roads I have paid so much for already, then, by current estimates on the costs, I would actually have to quit my job as the road charges would make it economically unviable for me to continue to work!
   Well they say every democracy gets the government it deserves.
   Next time you hear some pillock spouting off about how crap the government is ask him this:  Did you vote? If the answer is "No" tell him to shut up as he has no right to comment.
   The rest of you - use that vote - and lets make damn sure Holy Blair and his minions don't get in again.
   Amen - End of Sermon

428 Frua Forum / How many 428 Frua left?
« on: February 06, 2007, 13:56:38 »
   Hurst Park are selling an automatic 428.  It has had everything done that needs doing and is in (according to them) 1st class condition.  It has had many many thousands spent on it and it is a 60,000 mile car (high 50's actually).
   They say they can show receipts for work on the car totalling over £90,000! and they claim a full service history.  Be that as it may it can't justify the asking price of  . . . are you sitting down? . . . £60,000 ! ! !
   Not only are they not kidding, but they claim to have sold another 428 (silver/manual) in the last 6 months for the same money.
   It's not that I doubt them but a 428 can't be worth more than £30,000 of anyone's money, even a manual convertible can't be much more than £35,000.
   We'll see how long they sit on it I guess
   As to anyone buying a 428 and converting it to a 427 I personally would like to burn such philistines at the stake.  A good Kirkham would be a better bet, and cheaper.  Though you would of course be able to drop a genuine 427/428 into a converted Frua without any MOT problems.
   Still . . . the horror.
   CRS #22

General Forum / What is a real AC?
« on: January 29, 2007, 10:24:54 »
   You clearly have a need for "the Truth" where  AC cars are concerned.  You clearly seek enlightenment from your peers via this forum.  Wholly admirable of you.
   However, and this is just a passing thought, you might want to define one or two of your terms first so that we are all talking about the same thing.  If I might be so bold as to suggest ?
   1)  "Real".  What do you mean by "Real" AC, it seems rather different to everyone else.
   2)  "AC".  Same observation as above, define first - argue later.
   When you've finished that useful exercise you might want to discuss: how many angels can fit on the head of a pin; and other equally useful exercises.
   Perhaps you might keep your philosophical jaunts on another web-site and your relevant AC observations to this one.
   Mark-Anthony Conti

General Forum / Cobra Tool Kit
« on: January 25, 2007, 10:27:28 »
Hi Ace4.6
   Thanks for the info.  Funny your comment on the pliers.  They are the only part that is NOT from Snap-on
   I'll try to post some pics once I'm in possession of said tool-kit.
   CRS #22

428 Frua Forum / AC 428 owners experience?
« on: January 24, 2007, 10:04:34 »
Just a thought but . . .
   I used to have a Maserati Ghibli (1968) and Ghia solved the excess under bonnet heating problem by adding large side vents behind the front wheel arch - thereby leaving the contour lines of the most beautiful fast-back ever built undamaged.
   You might want to put side vents into the 428 to improve air flow and it might be easier than putting louvres into the bonnet.
   Roy, did you find a car?  The only one I've seen is in Hurst Park Classic Cars - a beauty - but be sure that you're seated when they quote you the price!

428 Frua Forum / How many 428 Frua left?
« on: January 10, 2007, 14:57:59 »
   What a magnificent car!  If you need info on the 428 you might get in touch with this clubs 428 registrar - Andy Shepherd
   CRS #22

General Forum / learning to post photo's...
« on: December 08, 2006, 10:04:56 »
   That's a Kirkham!!!!  Wow!!  Stunner.  Love the Aceca too.  Good luck with the re-build - keep us informed - and when you're next over come to a couple of the Club meetings, you know you'd be very welcome.
   CRS #22

   I asked Moto Lita (about 2 years ago) if they could fit a wood rim wheel to my CRS and they asked the same questions you have.  Once it had become clear that they were talking to a mechanical idiot they just said:
   "Bring it in and we'll sort it out.  If we can't do it no-one can."
   They were very friendly, helpful (and, frankly, tolerant!).  I havn't had the wheel done because I thought I'd finish modifying the engine and suspension first, that was two years ago and I'm still at it!
   CRS #22

   I thought that "She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed" was my wife!
   Or have we all married the same woman?
   One wonders.

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