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Topics - Superarnie

Pages: [1]
Dear all,
   You may have established from a few threads I have contributed to so far, that I am in the process of completing AC Superblower ACSB 7020. This car was partly built at Brooklands in 2001. I am in the process of obtaining the original parts to complete the build and have along the way been compiling a spreadsheet detailing each individual part. The vast majority of the parts I have received have come from John Owen in Malta. I have details of AC part numbers and other manufacturers part numbers (if not produced by AC Cars)and I have taken a digital image of every simgle nut bolt washer etc etc. If I can be of help to any owner of Mark 4's, CRS's or Superblowers, please let me know, it would be a pleasure to help (if I can). Also if you personally have any details of the parts which have gone into the build of these cars, drop me a line and I will add that part to the list. I'm hoping to build a comprehensive parts catalogue for the benefit of all AC Owners. And lastly- if any of you have any images of the AC Superblower, specifically interior and/or engine bay images, these would be of enormous benefit to me as I need to ensure the finished detail is correct on my car. Especially engine bay mounted components.
   Kindest regards

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